
How u doin’?
7 Q-states

bad, normal, good
Most bad, some normal
Most normal, some bad
Most bad, some good
Most good, some bad
Most good, some normal
Most normal, some good
Everyone bad
Everyone OK
Everyone good

PsychoHistory: a collective academic and mathematically precise history and mode for recording.
The TrinPod Server.

Relative viewpoints from different history lines.
How do you see the history of your culture 100 years ago compared to now and in the future?

How do you see the past, present and future?
Which Q-states apply to you?



It was bad for most, some were ok.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Most will be OK, some great.

Real Optimist


It was bad for some, most were Great.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Most will be Great, some OK.

Nostalgic Pessimist


Most are OK, some are great.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

It will be bad for most, some ok.